Wednesday, 20 September 2023


Boomer checks on the injured Starbuck within the crashed shuttle.

Emergency lights soon activated, the Galacticans have survived the crashlanding on Arcta but only just, thanks to the piloting skills of a head-wounded Starbuck. Now the team begins to check on their wounded and equipment but know they will have to evacuate to the Snowram as soon as possible, what with the Cylons surely knowing their crashed position from the air.

Starbuck is soon consoled by Boomer than only his friend's piloting skills saved them from death.

Leda tends to the injured Vickers, of which Voight is also in need of medical help.

Wolfe and Thane try to help the injured Voight and keep him warm.

In the meantime, Wolfe has managed to secure a blaster from one of the injured warriors. Later, he and Thane confront Croft, whom they are disappointed in at his return to being loyal to his former jailers, over their plans to make a break from their captors as soon as they are able...

Unseen by the others Wolfe steals Voight's blaster.

A rare close-up look at a Colonial sidearm prop.

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