Friday, 29 September 2023


Boomer surveys the snowy wilderness.

Now rested, hydrated and re-supplied, our Colonial Team returns to their mission, guided by the Clones to a new location: the underground Clone community of Arcta. A deleted sequence from the story.

The expedition, with Muffey, gathers.

Apollo: 'Where's Starbuck?'

As Starbuck takes point with Tenna, he begins flirting with her, wondering to her how she can help him become acclimatized and warmed up to the cold environment. The flirting banter between Starbuck and Tenna was ultimately toned down in the final two-part version, with Starbuck given a more serious and guilt-ridden edge during the mission in his search for Cadet Cree, handled via additionally filmed material (which is noticeable in the two-part version due to Dirk Benedict's longer hair between filming bouts, somewhere between The Lost Planet of the Gods and The Lost Warrior).

Taking point, Starbuck gets friendly with Tenna. This scene would be replaced with an alternate one of more serious note in which Starbuck asks Tenna about the location of Cylon captured prisoners.

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